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1st & 2nd Edition

There are six minis that are considered to be "official" alternates for Talisman as Games Workshop used to send these out in place of other minis when they were running low on supplies of the standard ones. These are the Elf, Knight, Samurai, Warrior, Warrior Of Chaos and Witch Doctor. They have even been known to turn up in some of the boxed sets.

Character Card                Miniature

Character Card                Miniature

Character Card                Miniature

Character Card                Miniature

Character Card                Miniature

Character Card                Miniature

A recent addition to this page is the alternate Assassin figure, which appears to have only been sent out in boxed sets of miniatures in America. I have now seen a few examples of this and so am adding it to the list as an "official alternate"!!

Character Card                Miniature

The Champion Of Chaos figure that is presented here appeared in my collection when I bought them as a job lot. It was said to be sent out by Games Workshop after the publication of White Dwarf #115, though I have never seen this mentioned elsewhere.

Character Card                Miniature

Flouncy Gap

Third Edition

The Minotaur is shown here as there seems to be a 50/50 chance of getting a figure with either an Axe or Club in the main game box.

Character Card        Miniature

The Dark Elf is purported to have been sent out by Games Workshop as a replacement figure, but I have not seen another example marketed in this fashion.

Character Card        Miniature

The seven Warhammer wizard figures are metal equivalents to the standard plastic figures. They are not "official" alternates, but I think they are as good as you are likely to get!

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

Character Card        Miniature

The figure I use for a Toad in 3rd Edition is actually a Frog!! It is supposed to represent the victim of the Bretonnian Enchantress, Morgiana Le Fay, but the scale of it is perfect for use with Talisman.

Character Card        Miniature