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Wardancer - White Dwarf #177

Character Card

The Wardancer has a bit of a story behind him as for years I have been showing the wrong miniature for this on Talisman Island.

I knew he was a conversion of a standard Wardancer, but I had picked out the wrong version and looking back, I have NO idea why I got it so wrong!!

Pic    Pic

It turns out that the actual image used for the card was taken from an article by Mike McVey about his Wood Elf Army from White Dwarf #141.

The miniature in question is a conversion of "Spear 1" and I had thought it was a big conversion job of "Sword 1".

Pic    Pic

You can see the full range of Wardancers in the 1991 Citadel catalogue along with much more at the Stuff of Legends website.

Stuff Of Legends


The Wardancer is ready for the procedure! I had a spare "Sword 1" figure, so I decided it was only fair that he give up his sword (and hand) for the conversion.


Using some sidecutters I removed the spear from his hands and then took his left hand off with a saw.

After cleaning the miniature up I drilled his arm and new hand and then pinned them ready for gluing.

I also removed the shield boss from the donor miniature and attached it to his right hand and set about assembling him.

The finished miniature is shown below, which is a much better likeness to the card than the one I was using before, as shown in the corner.
