Card Sleeving Options

To sleeve or not to sleeve? That is the question. I have been rather undecided about the whole sleeving issue, and in the years that I have been mulling it over have bought and then sold on many different types of sleeve as I changed my mind randomly!

I think I like how my 2nd Edition set looked “played with” as it is the natural way of things, but then you have to consider adding new cards to the mix when expansions are released, which will be crisp and clean amongst a pile of grubbier cards.

For the time being my main set is fully sleeved, including the larger cards not currently sleeved, but as I ponder the situation over time this is subject to change!

Revised 4th Edition – Adventure/Spell Cards

Fantasy Flight Supply
Mini American x 50
Mini USA & Mini Chimera x 100
Arcane Tinmen
Mini Sleeves x 100
Swan Panasia
43 x 65 mm x 160
Ultra PRO
41 x 63 mm x 50
Ultimate Guard
Mini American x 50
Thai Boardgame Group
#8 Sleeves x 120
Game Harbor
44 x 66 mm x 50
Make Them Last
43 X 65 mm x 100
Alchemy Supply (Dead Link!)
Mini USA x 100
43 x 65 mm x 100
Meeple Virus
Mini USA x 100
Time Walker
45 x 68 mm x 100
Game Explorers
Mini USA x 100
Raven King
Mini USA x 100
Sapphire Sleeves
41 x 63 mm x 100
Game Plus Products
41 x 63 mm x 50
BCW Supplies
41 x 63 mm x 50
Paladin Sleeves from NSKN
41 x 63 mm x 55
41 x 63 mm x 100 Edizioni
41 x 63 mm x 100
Legion Premium Supplies
44 x 67 mm x 50
41 x 63 mm x 100
41 x 63 mm x 110

Revised 4th Edition – Character/Ending Cards

Thai Boardgame Group
102 x 127 mm x 40
Swan Panasia
103 x 128 mm x 100
Bags Unlimited
4 x 5 in x 100
103 x 128 mm x 100

1st & 2nd Edition – Character/Ending Cards

Swan Panasia
70 x 92 mm x 150

I have tried most of these ranges and think it is all really down to price point and personal preference and possibly whether you want quality or quantity.

Please get in touch if you can confirm any of the information I am unsure of above, and let me know if there you have found other options for sleeving cards!

If anyone would like to recommend any particular make of sleeve, then send me a mail with your reasons and I might add it to this page.