Impulse Card Trays

Well, this has got to be one of the strangest pages on Talisman Island, and no mistake!

When I am out and about I always keep an eye out for new storage ideas, and have a number of cards in my wallet of various editions to check the fit for Talisman.

A little while ago, I came across an ideal storage and in-game solution, whilst browsing the shelves of my local supermarket, and best of all, it’s free!

The small (75ml?) cans of Impulse Body Spray, plus others and even supermarket own-brand products, usually come in packs of six on the shelves, and the cardboard trays they come in are the ideal size for keeping your Adventure-style decks together, either in your game box, or while you play.

People can’t help acting on Impulse!
Impulse tray filled with Adventure cards! Did I mention they were free?

The trays will even take sleeved cards and I am sure with a little ingenuity you can work out how to keep the cards from falling over once you start removing them.

I’m always on the look out for cheap, or especially free, solutions for storing Talisman cards, so if you use something similar please let me know and I’ll see about featuring it on the site!