The Realms Untravelled


Due to the fact that there is now an OFFICIAL boxed expansion that uses the name The Lost Realms, I have changed the name of this project to The Realms of Legend and have remade some of the files to replace any images that use that particular name.

To remove any doubt, the OFFICIAL expansion is a collection of the two Print on Demand expansions, The Nether Realm & The Deep Realms (coincidentally also designed by me!), and both of the UNOFFICIAL expansions – The Realms of Legend & The Realms Untravelled – have been collected with a similar box that is named The Realms of Adventure!

Well, it’s certainly been an interesting project, but I am happy to report that The Lost Realms for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman is now available for people to download and print out.

As mentioned over on the Fantasy Flight Games Talisman forums and the Talisman Island Facebook page, the last bits of art came in earlier today, and I managed to get the files together, including the Polish translation of the expansion thanks to Xan and Nemomon!

In addition, you can download the special bonus expansion The Realms Untravelled along with the files needed to make yourself a box to keep the Talisman Print on Demand products in, grandly named The Realms Collection.

It’s been a fantastic few months with a great deal of engagement over on the FFG forums, and I hope everyone has enjoyed contributing to the project.

With a bit of luck some of you might now appreciate that expansion creation isn’t such a cakewalk, especially when you have constraints put on you regarding numbers of cards, artwork limitations etc.

Now let’s sit back and see what Games Workshop has to say about any new printings of the game! 🙂

You can snag the files that you need by clicking the links below, where you will find some ZIP files containing PNG files in RGB format (CMYK was just ridiculously large and not many people will be able to tell the difference!)

The Realms of Legend – English – 79mb

The Realms Untravelled – English – 55mb

The Realms of Adventure – English – 28mb

Polish versions of the files should be available reasonably soon, and perhaps some interested parties might fancy localising the expansions into other languages? If you do, just give me a shout and I will hook you up with the necessary files.

Do please take a look through the discussion thread over on the FFG forums, and the various blog posts that I have made about the project.

Discussion Thread at FFG

Blog Post 1 – The Lost Realms

Blog Post 2 – And so it begins…

Blog Post 3 – Of Traps and Trails

Blog Post 4 – It’s taking shape nicely

Blog Post 5 – A bit of a quiet week or two…

Blog Post 6 – Rules, tweaks and fixes

Blog Post 7 – What a difference a day makes…

Blog Post 8 – Playtesting files available!

Blog Post 9 – A little something extra…

Blog Post 10 – The last lap?

The Lost Realms Gallery

The Realms Untravelled Gallery

It’s a bit of a last minute thought, but if anyone is wishing they could have contributed in some way, please consider donating to the GameBlast17 gaming marathon, taking part this very weekend in aid of the charity SpecialEffect, who help disabled gamers get back to playing!

It’s a great cause, and the guys from Nomad Games are live streaming over the weekend and you can even win yourself some free games!

Nomad Games on JustGiving

SpecialEffect Home Page

GameBlast17 Home Page

Nomad Games on Twitch

Nomad Games on YouTube

Cybernova on YouTube