Deniax’s Ultimate Box

The “Ultimate” Box

You may have seen Denis Verheylewegen’s work on making some cardboard storage boxes for his Talisman cards and tokens, and now he’s only gone and made a wooden box to keep the whole game in, up to and including The Cataclysm expansion.

The process was detailed on the Fantasy Flight Games forums, and I have copied most of it here, along with some new pictures of the finished product.

FFG Forum Post

You can download the files used for making the Ultimate Box from his DropBox folder, and take a look at the “in progress” images and commentary below.

SketchUp File (DropBox)

SketchUp Website

The design brief was that his original cardboard storage should fit inside, the miniatures should be on display, there should be separate drawers for like components and it should be as compact as possible.

It was originally to be adorned with Talisman logos, but after painting up, it was felt that this was not necessary.

The Idea
The Cutmap
All of the pieces, before sanding.
The first drawer… …times four.
These knobs were chosen as they looked like Fate tokens!
A slot is cut so that the miniatures can see out! Painted up, with a frame made for the glass.
Nearly there!
All done!
Closed View Isometric View
Miniatures Drawer Cards & Tokens Drawer
Boards Drawer Rules Drawer