And so it begins…


Due to the fact that there is now an OFFICIAL boxed expansion that uses the name The Lost Realms, I have changed the name of this project to The Realms of Legend and have remade some of the files to replace any images that use that particular name.

To remove any doubt, the OFFICIAL expansion is a collection of the two Print on Demand expansions, The Nether Realm & The Deep Realms (coincidentally also designed by me!), and both of the UNOFFICIAL expansions – The Realms of Legend & The Realms Untravelled – have been collected with a similar box that is named The Realms of Adventure!

So, after a couple of weeks pondering and sharing a few thoughts in the discussion thread over on the Fantasy Flight Games forums, The Lost Realms is starting to get a little flesh on its bones!

It’s been a bit slow going to start with as I’ve had some personal things going on, but I’ve found enough time to scope out some artwork that is available under a Creative Commons license, and have trawled through the other expansions for some cards that will fit well enough with the theme of the expansion.

Rather than delay things by waiting for artwork, I’ve decided to carry on and think of some ideas, and we can worry about the art for them later.

You can see what I’ve come up with so far below. A couple of the cards I was not too sure about, like Faerie Trod and Transformed, but they do fit the theme well enough.

The templates have been developed a little more too, with the bridge deck being more rural-looking and the special items look a bit more “treasure-y” now.

I’ve put in a good percentage of cards that can dump you back out of the expansion, which suggests why these realms are lost!

I do need to edit the cards as some of them need bringing up to date with wordings etc that were introduced in The Cataclysm expansion, such as losing “It will remain here until killed” etc.

So, now I guess the creative work can start!

I will be needing 3 or 4 more legendary items for the Forgotten Forge, and as you can see, the common thread is that they are discarded after use and return to the Forge. Not necessarily immediately, as the Iron Talisman is only discarded once you reach the Valley of Fire, but Morak’s Hammer is discarded once it is used in anger!

There are two more pieces of CC art to use, which will probably be the Mosquito Hunter and one more, so I’d be obliged for some suggestions there.

I liked the suggestions by sanityismyvanity on the forums for the two main spaces, though the die rolls might need to be tweaked a little.

I’ve not come up with a “thing” for the expansion yet, like the Traps in The Deep Realms. It would be good to have something unique that ties it all together if anyone has some ideas!

Discussion Thread at FFG