The last lap?


Due to the fact that there is now an OFFICIAL boxed expansion that uses the name The Lost Realms, I have changed the name of this project to The Realms of Legend and have remade some of the files to replace any images that use that particular name.

To remove any doubt, the OFFICIAL expansion is a collection of the two Print on Demand expansions, The Nether Realm & The Deep Realms (coincidentally also designed by me!), and both of the UNOFFICIAL expansions – The Realms of Legend & The Realms Untravelled – have been collected with a similar box that is named The Realms of Adventure!

The end is in sight, or at least it is tantalisingly close!

As mentioned recently over on the FFG Talisman forums, we aren’t waiting for very much now at all to call this expansion finished.

The delays have been a bit of a blessing as it has allowed me to tweak a few bits and pieces, and finally sort out the templates for the expansion.

There is also the small detail of the previously mentioned “box with three bonus Endings” having turned into a whole expansion that will expand all three “Realm” expansions!

Just to bring people up to speed, I originally thought about adding a few cards to The Nether Realms and The Deep Realms, in order to bring the three expansions up to the same small card count of 48.

This would have meant that any sheets of cards would still have gaps on them, as I currently like to fit 16 cards on an A4 sheet. So, I set about adding even more cards to the two expansions, and added a few more to The Lost Realms!

Some of the cards are completely new, and some of them were originally slated for inclusion in the expansions, but for whatever reason (mostly deck size) were left out of the final product.

Hopefully these additions will help round out the earlier expansions and add a bit more playability to the them, to try and keep things fresh.

Two of the Alternative Endings included in the expansion have had an artwork transplant, as the ones I had chosen were not suitable. They had both been taken from Adventure cards (one official, one not), but that is not the way artwork is used in Talisman, so I swapped them out.

I changed the name of the expansion after asking for suggestions on the forums, and I’m really happy with how it’s ended up thanks to JediKnightAmoeba.

…and again, I ended up changing the cover art for The Lost Realms, as it was such a similar style to the one I had chosen for The Realms Untravelled expansion.

It seems that the expansions will get a simultaneous release in English and Polish thanks to the efforts of Nemomon and Xan.

If anyone else is interested in attempting localisation for your edition of the game, just send me a message.

In other news, the auction for the specially printed versions of The Lost Realms ended up making a massive 1453.50 zł for the charity WOŚP, so thanks to everyone that took part.

It was a great initiative by the Polish fan site Magia i Miecz EU and I hope that it goes some way to helping the kids and older folk in Polish hospitals.

WOŚP (Great Orchestra of Christmas) Web Site

Magia i Miecz EU Facebook Page

So, we are just now waiting for the final three pieces of artwork for the Forge deck and then it’s a small job of tidying up the rulesheets etc.

I hope people will think it has all been worth the wait!!

Discussion Thread at FFG

Blog Post 1 – The Lost Realms

Blog Post 2 – And so it begins…

Blog Post 3 – Of Traps and Trails

Blog Post 4 – It’s taking shape nicely

Blog Post 5 – A bit of a quiet week or two…

Blog Post 6 – Rules, tweaks and fixes

Blog Post 7 – What a difference a day makes…

Blog Post 8 – Playtesting files available!

Blog Post 9 – A little something extra…