Now that the beta of The Realm of Souls expansion for Talisman: Digital Edition from Nomad Games and Asmodee Digital has been under way for a number of weeks, I thought it would be nice if you could see some previews of some of the upcoming artwork that you will be able to see when it is released.

I’ve been allowed to share a few images from this digital-exclusive expansion with you over the next few weeks at semi-regular intervals, and hope that it will help to sate your appetite for the time being!

The image you see above is the dreaded Collar of Destiny, which is a Cursed Object that you will not want to find if you happen to rely on the power of Fate as you travel the lands of Talisman.

Realm of Souls Beta Announcement on Steam

Talisman: Digital Edition at Nomad Games

Talisman: Digital Edition at Asmodee Digital

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