On their Facebook page today, Pegasus Spiele updated the cover photo to help promote Free RPG Day in Germany on the 23rd of March this year.

As part of the celebrations, it would seem that you can get hold of a publication named The Almanac which, amongst other things, includes an adventures from their Cthulhu roleplaying game and TWO from their Shadowrun RPG!

Talisman fans might notice that the artwork features the Prophetess, Wizard and Warrior, which are all modelled on the new artwork from Talisman: Legendary Tales.

Now, I’m assuming a great deal, but I think it’s likely that these are taken from the new Talisman Adventures RPG which is coming later in the year. I suppose it could all be from the new Talisman: Clash of Heroes card game, but I’m going to stick with the roleplaying game!

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