Fresh from the soft launch of the new Talisman Alliances: Fate Beckons expansion at Gen Con Indy by Avalon Hill, comes an announcement that should
Category: RPG

Over on ArtStation, the artist behind the adventure maps for the Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG for Pegasus Spiele – Alida Saxon – has been posting

Hello! Yes, we are still here! Still searching for anything Talisman-related and mostly coming up empty… I figured I’d update today rather than people maybe

The Pegasus North America site has been updated recently with some graphics for products that were previously using placeholders! One of these lovely pieces of

Grab the Complete Talisman Collection for under a tenner over on Humble Bundle!
It’s been a while since I posted (sorry about that!) but this first post of the Summer is a real doozy! Humble Bundle have just

You might not be aware of the unofficial Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG Discord server that’s frequented by fans and, perhaps more interestingly, Ian Lemke the

There’s been very little ‘new’ news about Talisman recently, but the postie brought my Accessory Pack for the new Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG from Pegasus

Free Talisman RPG Quick Start Guide and Adventure!
Fantastic news if you’ve been itching to try the Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG from Pegasus Spiele, but haven’t yet made your mind up about investing

It’s finally here! Your chance to play a brand new adventure in the Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG from Pegasus Spiele as part of Free RPG

Pegasus Spiele have just sent out a mailing regarding the new addition to the Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG range, The Briar Rose, which is one