There’s been much speculation about whether the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman would be seeing a reprint in English, and it would seem that it definitely is!

Following a lead from ‘Boodog‘ on BoardGameGeek, I decided to have a little search around the dark corners of the Internet, and discovered that Game Nerdz have put game entries on their store for preorders from Pegasus Spiele. Not just the base game of Talisman, or the few expansions that were reprinted by Games Workshop most recently, but EVERYTHING except the Print on Demand titles!

Another bit of delving revealed that preorders were up on the GTS Distribution site along with a countdown timer of 10 days for retailers to get their orders in, so it seems that things are moving rather quickly.

There are no new boxart images on the site, and there are old FFG boxes shown on the retail site, but it’s happening!

So, to recap… if you are missing the base game of Talisman or The Reaper, The Dungeon, The Frostmarch, The Highland, The Sacred Pool, The Dragon, The Blood Moon, The City, The Firelands, The Woodland, The Harbinger & The Cataclysm, then just bide your time and you should be able to snag a copy soon without having to pay some of the exorbitant prices that these boxes are commanding at the moment. Hoorah!

Given that the German reprint of the Talisman coming from Pegasus Spiele is slated for June this year, we could be looking at a bumper Summer for Talisman!

Hopefully someone will speak nicely to Giochi Uniti and ask if their combination expansion, I Reami Perduti, that includes The Nether Realm and The Deep Realms, might get printed in English too!

More as we hear it…

Speculation thread on BoardGameGeek

RETAIL Preorders on Game Nerdz

TRADE Preorders on GTS Distribution

Talisman German Edition on Pegasus Spiele

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