They said it couldn’t be done, but there is yet another chance to pick up Talisman: Digital Edition and Talisman: The Horus Heresy from Nomad Games at a ridiculous price in the Summer Sale at Bundle Stars!

Everything made for the games is currently available in two bundles, each with various tier levels, depending on how deep you want to go into the Talisman rabbit hole.

A paltry £5.39 gets you 8 products in the highest tier for Talisman: The Horus Heresy, including the latest expansion release – The Shadow Crusade, and £9.89 gets you a WHOPPING 26 products for Talisman: Digital Edition.

It’s a perfect opportunity to snag them before the imminent release of The Dragon expansion for Talisman: Digital Edition!

Horus Heresy Bundle Page

Digital Edition Bundle Page

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